óCoffeeScript Cookbook

Generating Predictable Random Numbers


You need to generate a random number in a certain range, but you also need to be able to "seed" the generator to deliver predictable values.


Write your own random number generator. There are a LOT of ways to do this. Here's a simple one. This generator is +ABSOLUTELY NOT+ acceptable for cryptographic purposes!

class Rand
  # if created without a seed, uses current time as seed
  constructor: (@seed) ->
    # Knuth and Lewis' improvements to Park and Miller's LCPRNG
    @multiplier = 1664525
    @modulo = 4294967296 # 2**32-1;
    @offset = 1013904223
    unless @seed? && 0 <= seed < @modulo
      @seed = (new Date().valueOf() * new Date().getMilliseconds()) % @modulo

  # sets new seed value
  seed: (seed) ->
    @seed = seed

  # return a random integer 0 <= n < @modulo
  randn: ->
    # new_seed = (a * seed + c) % m
    @seed = (@multiplier*@seed + @offset) % @modulo

 # return a random float 0 <= f < 1.0
  randf: ->
    this.randn() / @modulo

  # return a random int 0 <= f < n
  rand: (n) ->
    Math.floor(this.randf() * n)

  # return a random int min <= f < max
  rand2: (min, max) ->
    min + this.rand(max-min)


JavaScript and CoffeeScript do not provide a seedable random number generator. Writing your own will be an exercise in trading off the amount of randomness with the simplicity of the generator. A full discussion of randomness is beyond the scope of this cookbook; for further reading consult Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming, Volume II, Chapter 3, "Random Numbers", and Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd Edition, Chapter 7, "Random Numbers".

A brief explanation of this random number generator is in order, however. It is a Linear Congruential Pseudorandom Number Generator. LCPRNG's operate on the mathematical formula I<sub>j+1</sub> = (aI<sub>j</sub>+c) % m, where a is the multiplier, c is the addition offset, and m is the modulus. Each time a random number is requested, a very large multiplication and addition are performed -- "very large" relative to the key space -- and the resulting number is modulused back down into the keyspace.

This generator has a period of 232. It is absolutely unacceptable for cryptographic purposes, but for most simple randomness requirements it is quite adequate. randn() will traverse the entire keyspace before repeating itself, and the next number is determined by the previous one.

If you want to tinker with this generator, you are strongly encouraged to read Chapter 3 of Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming. Random number generation is VERY easy to screw up, and Knuth explains how to tell a good RNG from a bad one.

Avoid the temptation to modulus the output of this generator. If you need an integer range, use division. Linear Congruential generators are very nonrandom in their lower bits. This one in particular always generates an odd number from an even seed, and vice versa. So if you need a random 0 or 1, do NOT use

# NOT random! Do not do this!
r.randn() % 2

because you will most definitely not get random digits. Use r.rand(2) instead.